“Mihaela Plugarasu, the successful professor of the Master of Science in Global and Strategic Communications at FIU, transports us to a deep understanding of how the combination of BODY, MIND, AND RELATIONSHIPS is the ideal framework to unleash our maximum potential as human beings.”.
“Join Leticia Gammil, president of WOMCY, the only non-profit organization that recognizes and celebrates the success of women in cybersecurity, to learn about GRIT, the perfect combination of passion and perseverance that has helped her achieve a lifetime of success.”.
“Learn to know yourself through introspection, acceptance, and healing with Mihaela Plugarasu in a session full of knowledge. The renowned professor of the Master of Science in Global and Strategic Communications at FIU explains how, through her healing journey as a woman, professional, and mother, she now faces the unexpected with an attitude of confidence and power.”.
“Surround yourself with all the things that add value to your life and avoid things that take the value away from it”.
“Recognize your worth, you need to know what is great about you so that you can go ahead and use all of those strengths with confidence. Embrace who you are and make time to connect”.